Warm up this chilly season with a hand-drawn animated GIF. Click the image above for instructions to easily text this GIF from your smart phone. Available for a limited time.
Visual Notes Template For Meetings, Workshops and Discussions
It can be helpful to take notes during a meeting, but only if you can make sense of your notes later on! This free download and printable template can help you structure both your notes AND your meeting time more productively.
Designed for re-occuring one-on-one phone/video meetings but can be used for pretty much any meeting type or size. For maximum impact, have all participants use the template and pause periodically to give folks time to write things down.
Can also be used as a pre-meeting prep sheet or post-meeting reflection sheet.
Head over to the One Squiggly Line Shop for your FREE download.
Pumpkin Season is Here!
Print out this mini pumpkin patch and practice drawing some faces on them. This can be a quick and simple warm up before creative work or a way to refresh your thinking when you get stuck. You can also trace over the pumpkins if you want to learn how to draw them. Head on over to the One Squiggly Line Shop to get this free printable download. A PNG file with transparent background so you can cut and paste individual pumpkins to use online, too. For all ages.
Visual Thinking & Creativity; Visualize it richly & colorfully
Visualizing things richly and colorfully leads to more creative thinking. You probably visualize things more than you realize, without really thinking about it. So you already have some visual thinking skills. But how do you become better at visualizing things on purpose?
Try this:
Go to a hardware store or someplace that sells paint. First, pick a paint sample color card that matches your shirt. That's a warm-up, starting with something very concrete and right in front of you — your shirt.
Then, look for a paint sample color card that matches something at home. It could be a different shirt, a piece of furniture, your walls. Whatever you choose, you will need to picture it very clearly in your mind so you can "see" the color.
Paint sample cards are usually free, so you can take home the ones you think are the closest and see how well you did. The more you practice, the better you get!
Check out One Squiggly Line's About Visual Thinking page to learn more.
Visual Thinking & Creativity: World Creativity & Innovation Week
It's two months since World Creativity and Innovation Week. But why not celebrate it every month? On April 15-22 every year, people from around the world celebrate creativity and innovation by deliberately doing something creative every day. It could be something simple or something profound. It really doesn't matter — just be creative, whatever month it is!
Visual Thinking Template: Evaluation Matrix
Visual thinking helps to make things clear. It's really important to see all options clearly when it comes time to make a decision. A matrix is a great (and easy) way to make it clear how your options stack up.
To use, write the names of four books at the top (by each of the four books!). Write your criteria in the boxes on the left. For example, "Is the topic interesting to me?" "Do I understand most of the words?" Use a happy or sad face to answer each question about each of the four books. Then it's easy to see the book that best meets the criteria - it has the most happy faces.
This evaluation matrix was created for use in elementary classrooms but can easily be adapted for adult use.
Be More Visual: Free Downloads!
Just added the Freebies! page...check it out! Each file features super simple ways anyone can be more visual. Print them out or download and save for later. No fancy drawing skills or supplies required!