Real-time visual notes & graphic recording
Online • Virtual • Digital
Online work is generally created electronically, usually hidden from participants during the event. If you prefer and the platform allows, I’m happy to share my screen so you can watch me work. Digital files (JPG, PDF, time-lapse video) are available within minutes after your event ends.

In Person
In person work is generally created with markers on foam core boards. The boards stay with you after the event. JPG files are available a few days later. In person work can also be created electronically, remaining hidden from the group or projected for all to see.

Created from a script and can be synced to a voice over or music. If desired, clients provide those files themselves. If you’re looking for someone to handle the whole process, including the script, I can refer you to someone who specializes in that.
*A silent, unedited time-lapse video of each visual notes panel is included with digital work.
Illustrations are not created in real-time and may involve revisions. redrawing a client sketch, spot illustrations, summary images, visual agendas, simple caricature and more.

Other Creative ideas? I’d love to hear them!