How to Create a Block Letter H with a Wavy Edge

Every year when I was teaching, I made sure to teach my students (kindergarten — 8th grade, and maybe a few preschoolers who were a bit more advanced) how to create block letters.

While fun for students, the ability to create your own block letters can make quite a difference in the professional world, especially those who give presentations, run meetings, or need to create signage, to name a few. Yet, many professionals either don’t know how to create block letters or are not very confident in their abilities!

So here’s a series of posts to help you out!

To get the most out of this video:

  • Watch the video first all the way through.

  • Watch it again and draw along with me, pausing when needed.

  • And finally, get a fresh piece of paper and create a NEW block letter all by yourself.

If video is slow to load, you can watch on YouTube.