One Squiggly Line

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Creativity: We All Have It — Reignite Yours!

Think back to when you were a kid. Do you remember your personality? Do you remember any quirks you had?

And if you can’t remember that far back, think about the little kids you know, whether family, friends, or even strangers.

They all have one thing in common - they’re at the the most creative stage in their life.

Children are at a stage where they haven’t been conditioned to many routines and norms. They are completely themselves - unfiltered and raw.

...Always asking why

...Not caring too much of what others think about their appearance or their actions

...Saying whatever comes to mind

...Not holding back any ounce of laughter

As we grow older, eventually we don’t question as much

Eventually the routines of life become mainstream

Eventually our imagination grows stale

We hold back our laughter more and more

And eventually we lose the perspective of what could be in exchange for what is

Creativity gets taught out of us

Our teachers telling us to write in 12 pt. Arial font.

Our parents not having enough patience to answer all of our why’s.

Our own inflicted judgements

We become afraid of failure. Of messing up. Of saying the wrong thing. Of being judged.

To the point where we’ve lost ourselves in exchange for a mask that society has handed us.

We have unlearned creativity.

We all have the ability to be creative, but it's our job to learn it again.

Visual thinking is a great way to jumpstart your creativity, whether personally or professionally, alone or with a group. Simply watching someone else create something can inspire creative thinking and actions. Contact me to bring the power of visuals to your next event, meeting, or project and reclaim your creativity!